Government of Maharashtra

महाराष्ट्र शासन

Admission For International Students

Student Category

You are considered an International Student, If you fall into any of the below CATEGORY

Foreign Nationals /Foreign Student (FN / FS)

Foreign National / Foreign Students means the students holding passport issued by foreign countries including people of Indian origin who have acquired the nationality of foreign countries.

Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/ Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)

Person of Indian Origin (PIO) means the person who is the citizen of other countries (except Pakistan and Bangladesh) who at any time held an Indian Passport, or who or either of his/her parent or any of his/her grandparent was a citizen of India by virtue of provisions of the Constitution of India or Section 2 (B) of Citizenship Act, 1955 (Act No. 57 of 1955). A foreign national, who was eligible to become citizen of India on 26.01.1950 or was a citizen of India on or at any time after 26.01.1950 or belonged to a territory that became part of India after 15.08.1947 is eligible for registration as Overseas Citizen of India (OCI). Minor children of such person are also eligible for OCI.

Non-Resident Indians (NRI)

1. The person having first degree blood relation with the student , therefore relations to be considered as sponsored of the candidate for granting admission in NRI Quota, the details of which are as under ,

1) Father / Mother of the Candidate , OR
2) Real Brother / Sister , OR
3) Father / Mother of Father i.e. Paternal Grand Father / Grand Mother , OR
4) Father / Mother of Mother i.e. Maternal Grand Father / Grand Mother , OR
5) The real brother / sister of Father / Mother , OR
6) First Degree – Paternal and Maternal Cousins i.e. Children’s of above clause [ 5 ]

2. Such person should be NRI and should ordinarily be residing abroad, with documentary evidence to that and also affidavit in support of the aforesaid facts.

Children of Indian Workers In Gulf Countries [CIWGC]

[UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia]

A – INDIAN PASSPORT holder, living in Gulf Countries for more than 6 months 82 days in the preceding Financial Year.
B – Children who’s Parents are / were in the Previous Year, Working in Gulf Countries.
C – Irrespective of Board, student has appeared for his 10 th /12 th Grade Exams from any of the Gulf Countries.